As part of the agreement between the Australia Council for the Arts and IETM – the international network for contemporary performing arts, a programme of activities has been developed by Project Director, David Pledger to begin building a sustainable matrix of relationships between Australia and Europe by seeding international collaborations via artist-residency programmes, producer placements, inbound projects and a one-off commission.
Made by a collection of Australian and European artists and scientists who work under the moniker Time’s Up, Control of the Commons will undertake a series of watercourse journeys in Australia and Europe, investigating water usage, attitudes to water and kinship/friendship networks. In their journeys, they will use recycled or sustainably-grown small boats, powered by their crews and the wind. Three rules will govern the project:
reducing the need for expendables;
reusing technologies to avoid waste;
recycling the vessels at journey’s end.
The presentation at Burning Ice in June 2012 produced by Brussels’ Kaaitheater will include direct documentation, kinship and friendship analysis, interviews, photography and video mapping.
For more info: