GO Group at EuroSonic 2013

//GO Group at EuroSonic 2013

GO Group at EuroSonic 2013

eurosonic 2013Along with showcasing a myriad of bands, and hosting the European Border Breaker Awards and the European Festival Awards, the EuroSonic Norderslaag conference provides a wealth of conference sessions. In January 2013 the GO Group will be presenting three environmental panels looking at live events. On Thursday 10th January Holger Jan Schmidt (Green Events Europe, DE) hosts ‘Renewables in Concert‘ looking at power provision at events  along with Eric van Eerdenburg (Lowlands Festival, NL), Jacob Bilabel (The Green Music Initiative, DE) and Paul Schurink (Bredenoord, NL). It’s at 15.00 – 16.00 in C8 at De Oosterpoort. At 16.30 GO Group will turn their attention to greener festival camping, again hosted by Holger Jan Schmidt, and with Ina Kahle (FKP Scorpio, DE) and Laura Pando (Festival Republic, UK). The panel will look at the specific problems caused by left behind camping equipment and providing a clean camping environment. Greener Festival Camping, 16.30-17.30, A8. Finally on Friday 11th January, Teresa Moore ( Bucks New University) and Ben Challis (A Greener Festival) present the results of the 2012 festival audience survey by Bucks New University and AGF looking at fan’s views on green events from a survey of 2281 festival fans from around the world.   What the Audience said is in  C3, 13.30-14.30.

The GO Group will also be giving out the Green Operations Award to Europe’s smartest and greenest festival for the first time, at the European Festival Awards which takes place on the evening of the 9th January 2013! Green trailblazers of the European festival industry have been nominated for the new EFA Green Operations Award. They are the smart operators, who have shown innovative and outstanding approaches in the field of green operations as integral part of their activities – the nominees are Boom Festival (POR) – for awareness, creativity and overall approach on highest level. Boom is a true leader in the green issues, Maifeld Derby (GER) – A great debut from a young group of people with Greener Maifeld Derby. “Rookie of the year”. Open Air St.Gallen (CH) – For continued contribution and leadership in general and for their work in developing a greener festival over a number of years, Way Out West (SE) – Great sustainability approach on a triple bottom line. Absolutely remarkable: this major event went 100% vegetarian and We Love Green (FRA) – The second year of We Love Green sees the festival already as a shiny example. Exceptional work on various topics. Find out the winner – we will blog the results from all of the European Festival Awards as soon as we can!

More on EuroSonic Norderslaag here http://conference.eurosonic-noorderslag.nl/en/home/

By |2016-11-01T15:04:49+00:00January 4th, 2013|AGF Blog|