“Rave to save the planet?”: Panel discussion @ prolight + sound fair in Frankurt am Main, will take place on April 12th 2013, 3-4 pm.
Up to 7000€ energy costs can be saved by means of energy audits in clubs. We’ll explain how it works during this panel discussion:
– what are the biggest energy saving potentials for clubs?
– Where can I receive funding for an energy audit?
– Where to find a energy consultant with club expertise?
– Is there a certification for climate friendly clubs? Yes there is! We’ll explain how it works.
If you want to participate in the panel discussion, please register by sending a short email to: dashuber@thema1.de
Dialogue language will be German.
About the Green Club Index Project:
The Green Club Index (GCI) addresses the big potential of emission reductions in the club scene. Initial experiences have been gained designing energy profiles to fit the specific characteristics of clubs. Currently, several pilot projects in a national and international context are planned and being conducted as part of the Green Club Index Project. These ‘best practises’ showcase that energy audits in clubs are useful and necessary. In this way other interested club operators are encouraged to ask for energy advice themselves, which consequently raises the request of adequate offers from energy consultants. So in the long run, the Green Club Index Project aims at stimulating a new market for energy audits in the club scene.
For further information, get in touch with Roman at +49 30 7790 779 12.