- A Greener Festival (AGF) bring their festival and event assessor training for their international award to mainland Europe for the first time
- Training delivered on 16th & 17th October, the 2 days prior to ADE Green in Amsterdam.
- Delivering an Introduction to Environmental Assessment for Events & Festivals, and AGF Assessor Training for the Greener Festival Awards Scheme.
The Internationally operating not for profit organisation, A Greener Festival (AGF), have teamed up with ADE Green and will bring their training to Amsterdam this October for the first time. The training will run for 2 days at the Nachtlab, and is open to anyone with an interest in developing their understanding and skills for Sustainable Event Management, and those who would like to become assessors of festivals and events on behalf of AGF.
The first 20 registrants to the AGF training will receive a discount to attend ADE Green, which takes place on 18th October in the DeLaMar Theatre, Amsterdam.
There are 1 day or 2 day course options for AGF training. Both will be held at Nachtlab, Isolatorweg 36, 1014 AS Amsterdam, Netherlands, Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th October.
“The transition to a new economy requires new thinking. It is crucial to highlight and adapt existing processes in our sector via the collective use of each other’s knowledge and technologies. Sustainability, innovation and social change must form an integral part of today’s festival and events policies. The fact that this can be done – without concessions to the visitor experience, or any finger- pointing – has now been proven,” says ADE Green organiser, Carlijn Lindemulder.
Since it’s inception in 2007 AGF have assessed over 400 festivals for their Greener Festival Award scheme across 5 continents, and this year launched the Greener Event Award scheme to include all types of events. The aim is to encourage and share best practice, to celebrate successes raising the profile of environmental issues in the industry, and to help events to improve their environmental impact.
AGF Co Founder Claire O’Neill commented that “We have worked alongside the team behind ADE Green for many years and we are thrilled to be able to coincide our first mainland Europe training with the event this Autumn. Our training always provides a great chance for like-minded professionals to meet, and this is bolstered and amplified by the fact that we can join ADE Green following the training for further networking and inspiration, in the beautiful City of Amsterdam.”
To apply for the training please email hello@agreenerfestival.com
An Introduction to Environmental Assessment for Events and Festivals
Designed for those who are new to environmental assessment this one day course is for those who wish to know more but don’t want to commit to becoming an AGF Assessor.
1 day: Monday 16th October 2017
Total €200
A Greener Festival Assessor Training
This is a two day course essential for those who wish to become an A Greener Festival assessor. The course combines an Introduction to Environmental Assessment with a dedicated half day taking participants through our assessment procedures and reporting approach.
2 days: Mon 16th / Tues 17th October
AGF Assessor deposit €100 (refundable on completion of an AGF Assessment Report)
Training Fee €299
Total €399
Example agenda:
Day 1 – Monday 16th October
Legal Framework and Policy
Local Impacts and Risks
Sustainable Procurements
Travel & Transport
Event Power
Solid Waste & Recycling
Water usage, Waste Water and Sewerage
Behaviour & Communication
Day 2 – Tuesday 17th October
Understanding the Self Assessment Process
Form Familiarisation & Post Event Report
Including AGF Assessment case studies and exercises
To apply for the training please email hello@agreenerfestival.com
More about the AGF Training and Education.