Green Events & Innovations Conference 2019 (GEI11) is Launched!

/, Green Events & Innovations/Green Events & Innovations Conference 2019 (GEI11) is Launched!

Green Events & Innovations Conference 2019 (GEI11) is Launched!

We are delighted to announce that the 11th edition of the Green Events & Innovations Conference – the conference for sustainability at live events, is now open for registration.

The event, which is run by A Greener Festival, in partnership with the International Live Music Conference (ILMC) will take place Tuesday 5 March 2019, at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, in London. Due to a sell-out edition last year, the new level of interest in sustainability by the music and event industry and more broadly, the conference is moving to a larger space within the Royal Garden Hotel accommodating more delegates and a bigger networking space.

A heightened awareness of plastics in our oceans, our food and our bodies; the health impacts of poor air quality; and stark warnings released recently relating to climate change; radical and rapid changes are vitally important across every industry, and in our personal lives, too.

We are already witnessing unprecedented involvement from stakeholders (from governance, individuals and businesses) who are investing in tangible solutions. But so much more can and needs to be done. GEI11 will welcome some of the top events in the world, and the best innovators, to share knowledge and experience; connect and network; and accelerate the transition of events and festivals from environment costly to environment friendly.

Topics already scheduled for the 2019 agenda include plastics and reusables (in light of this week’s ban by the European Parliament that will come into force in 2021); campsite waste and behaviour; merchandise; touring and transport; and event catering and food. The full GEI11 agenda along with key note speaker, chairs and panellists will be published over the next few months.

In addition, there will be focused break-out sessions for industry groups working on specific collaborative projects. And along with the larger space, the agenda is also expanding and will collaborate more closely with the ILMC Production Meeting (IPM), which takes place concurrently in the same venue, thereby allowing delegates of both events to share knowledge and experience, and to network.

There will also be ample opportunities for delegates to network and connect during refreshment breaks, a five-star complimentary lunch, and a closing drinks reception that continues late in to the evening.

Our early-bird rate is available until 4 December 2019, at a cost of £80 + VAT.


If you are interested in sponsoring the event, if you have a product or service you wish to promote, have an idea for a session, or if you want to get involved – click here.

The Green Events & Innovations Conference (GEI) is A Greener Festival’s annual flagship event delivered in partnership with the International Live Music Conference (ILMC).
Tuesday 5 March 2019, The Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington High St, London.

By |2018-10-26T16:17:48+00:00October 26th, 2018|AGF Blog, Green Events & Innovations|