GEI10 videos now online

//GEI10 videos now online

GEI10 videos now online

Videos of all the panels that took place during GEI10 earlier this month, are now online. So whether you would like to see what you missed, or you attended the event and would like a reminder of what went down, or you participated and want to see if that tangerine shirt really did go well with that purple tanktop, then get clicking below…

Keynote Speaker: Bob Wilson, Greenpeace UK
Bob talked about some of the amazing experiences he’s had whilst attending and being involved with festivals, along with his journey as an activist, and some of Greenpeace UK’s latest campaigns.
The Growing Climate Justice Movement & How Events are Supporting It
Moderator: Jamie Kelsey-Fry, New Internationalist (UK)
Guest speakers: Shane Collins, Green Gathering (UK); Marie Sabot, We Love Green Festival (FR); and Rob Scully, A Greener Festival (UK)This panel focused on alternative technologies and solutions for event organisers that can make a renewable and clean energy supply a very real and available option.
Tame the Transport
Host: Liz Warwick, Lansdowne Warwick Sustainability Consultancy (UK)Liz looked at how we can better understand and therefore reduce transport impact at events.
Tuned-in Travel – Reduce travel emission and raise income!
Hosts: Dawn Kendall (Environmental Sustainability Manager), Christian Steele (Off-Site Operations Manager), Tuned In Travel (UK)Dawn and Christian offered solutions for safe, efficient sustainable transport for audiences, that don’t cost the Earth.
Taking A Stand: Social Cohesion
Chair: Holger Jan Schmidt, GO Group (DE)
Guest speakers: Michal Kaščák, Pohoda Festival (SK); Mikkel Sander, Roskilde Festival (DK); and Oliver Wilson, 10,000 HOURS Foundation (UK)A panel that examined how globally destructive behaviours might be changed if we encouraged collective understanding and acceptance, and nurtured social cohesion.
The Facts of Live: Poo, Pee & Water
Chair: Chris Cooke, CMU (UK)
Guest speakers: Jane Healy, Glastonbury Festival (UK); Virginia Gardiner, Loowatt (UK); Adrian Mills, Watermills (UK); and Graham MacVoy, GMC Events (UK)Waterless toilets, recyclable water, reduction of single-use plastics, processing of human waste on-site… an expert panel looked at everything to do with poo and pee at events.
Sustainable Procurements & Circularity
Chair: Chris Cooke, CMU (UK)
Guest speakers: Rob Wilson, Toast Ale (UK); Laura van de Voort, Green Events Nederlands; and Wicki Nielsen, Soil Association (UK)This panel looked at how we – as event organisers – can ensure our procurement choices are truly sustainable, in order to lessen the deleterious impact of consumerism and positively influence consumer choice.
Why don’t audiences clean up their act?
Host: Teresa Moore, A Greener Festival (UK)Teresa provided insights into the issue of post-event waste, and suggested a number of different approaches for tackling the problem.
What’s the point of recycling?
Host: Ed Cook, Resources Futures (UK)Ed took a look at the environmental impact of treating waste; the impact of litter on terrestrial and marine environments; and ways in which event organisers can approach its management.
Plastic Seas & Campsite Chaos
Chair: Natalie Fee, City to Sea (UK)
Guest speakers: Rob da Bank, Bestival/Camp Bestival (UK); James Dowdell, Raw Foundation (UK); and Adam Hall, Surfdome (UK)In this panel, the challenges events face relating to waste, and the opportunities that are available for transforming wasteful events, were discussed.
Quick-Fire Round
Presentations from Enviro-Cup, the stainless-steel reusable cup solution; ButtiFly‘s cigarette butt solution; and KICK (Keep It Clean Kids).
ECO Coin: Alternative Economy
Host: Kate Rolfe, ECO Coin (UK/NL)

Finally, Kate showcased a digital currency that positively rewards people who are actively contributing to a more sustainable world.So that’s it! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and if you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for GEI11, please get in touch here.

See you next year!

The AGF Team

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By |2018-03-26T19:51:11+00:00March 26th, 2018|AGF Blog|