More Glastonbury fans take the trash home

//More Glastonbury fans take the trash home

More Glastonbury fans take the trash home

Many more fan’s at this years Glastonbury have taken tents and other camping quipment home with them, in a distinct improvement on 2009. Last year 5,572 tents were left behind and 2,220 camping chairs, 3,321 airbeds, 400 gazebos and a whopping 6,538 sleeping bags were left behind to go into landfill. Lucy, the Glastonbury Green Initiatives co-ordinator posted this on the official Glasters website

A big thank you to everyone who packed up all their camping equipment and took it home, and for putting all their rubbish into bin bags.  It made such a huge difference looking across the farm after the Festival and not seeing nearly as many abandoned tents, roll mats, sleeping bags, chairs etc. It still wasn’t perfect, but it was a LOT better than last year. Thanks to everyone for ‘TAKING IT HOME’ – and let’s work towards doing even better next year!”

But there was still masses of litter and mess on-site – I walked past the John Peel Stage and then onwards to the Pyraid Stage every morning and frankly it WAS Trash City – with unbelievable amounts of waste just discarded and left on the floor. For a interesting read, here is a link to Dave Wilson’s blog on Q107 .

Our Great Big Green Ideas came up with some neat solutions to waste left at festivals, especially for tents, but the simple fact remains that if people re-use tents they are then not ‘waste’ at all – and don’t need to be either reclaimed, recycled or sent to landfill. and see the Guardian’s Blog at


By |2016-11-01T15:05:50+00:00July 1st, 2010|AGF Blog|