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Apply Now2018-03-20T12:52:26+00:00


2018 Application Form

Please note that applications need to be received 6 weeks prior to your event.

Your Name (required)

Your Event Name (required)

Your Website or Social Media Information

Your Email (required)

Tell us a little bit about your event

Have you applied for A Greener Festival Award before?

Please confirm you have read our Data Protection Policy and are happy for us to contact you

Upload Files

File types accepted (up to 5mb): PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, ZIP.
If your file(s) are larger than this, please get in touch by email to arrange getting them to us.

Upload your Sustainability Policy.
If you don't have one, please email us here and we can help

Upload your completed Self Assessment Form
Please contact to obtain our 2018 self-assessment form