goCarShare.com launches

//goCarShare.com launches

goCarShare.com launches

A new online community called goCarShare.com has been set up – it aims to encourage car driving festival-goers fill as many seats in their vehicle as possible. The site has been launched with the backing of a number of festivals including Sonisphere and The Glade.  The site allows festival-goers with cars with empty seats can find extra passengers, while those looking for transport can find drivers with capacity. The key to the new site are links into Facebook, meaning that drivers can check out prospective passengers, and vice versa, giving both parties some reassurance about travelling to a festival together. Drivers and passengers will also be able to rate each other once they have travelled together and goCarShare.com offers tips on what extra passengers should contribute towards the driver’s costs with organisers saying “We built goCarShare around Facebook so that users can see if they share friends with other users, they can even see if they like similar bands to other users. We made the process super quick and made it simple for passengers and drivers to contact each other. As well as this, there is a big emphasis on fun, on meeting new people and making new friends”.

Among the festivals supporting the scheme that promotes both greener travel and potential savings, are Sonisphere, Wakestock, Reading and Leeds Festivals, The Big Chill, Glade, Latitude and the Secret Garden Party with a numbert of festivals offering entry into a draw to upgrade to VIP tickets for anyone who car shares.


By |2016-11-01T15:05:30+00:00June 3rd, 2011|AGF Blog|