Did you know working from home can save 1 tonne of CO2, 16 days of commuting time and £800 on travelling costs average annually. Makes you think twice about jumping on that crowded train!

If you want to see the devastation Hurricane Sandy left on the US East Coast – have a look at this shocking report NYC’s Rockaway Beach in Shocking Disarray a Week After Sandy here on Treehugger

Burning wood in power stations is worse for the climate than burning coal, a recent report from a group of green lobbyists warns. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have called on the UK Government to cancel plans to subsidise burning whole trees in coal power stations.  They claim that according to the Government’s own figures, generating power from typical conifer trees results in 49% more emissions than burning coal.

German solar power generation increased 50% in the first nine months of 2012, compared with the same period in 2011, helping to push total renewable energy supply to over one-quarter of total power production.  The Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW) say solar photovoltaic (PV) plants generated 24.9bn kWh during January-September this year, a 51% increase from the 16.5bn kWh during the same period in 2011.

EU waste targets are to be reviewed in 2014 with the possibility that stronger measures may be adopted to boost economic growth and job creation.   The announcement was made by the European Commissioner for Environment Janez Potočnik during a keynote speech at the European Resource Efficiency Forum in Berlin, Germany.

Reynolds, A leading independent UK food distributor, is using an enterprise resource planning system to gather information on wasted products, helping managers identify trends and target waste across the supply chain. More here

Plans to force airlines to pay for their emissions for flights in and out of Europe have been put on hold by the European Union. And sustainable transport campaigners Transport & Environment also say that the European Commission’s recently published Cars 2020 Action Plan, which aims for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry, fails to address key strategic challenges such as climate change.

The Carbon Trust has sent a letter to all teams in the Premier League, Football League and Scottish Premier League asking them to reduce their carbon footprint. Manchester United, Bolton Wanderers, Newcastle United and Bradford City have already achieved the Carbon Trust standard but the organisation is calling on the hundreds of other clubs to engage in a sustainability title race.  The combined carbon savings of these clubs totalled nearly 8,000 tonnes of CO2 which is the equivalent to approximately £1.2m in energy savings. The Trust also says that implementing energy efficiency measures could help schools dramatically cut their £500m annual fuel bill and that  no cost and low cost energy efficiency measures are capable of saving a secondary school up to £21,500 a year – which is equivalent to the salary cost of a newly qualified teacher.

In more football related news, Ervington Investments, which is backed by Russian billionaire and Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich, has acquired a 10% stake in UK energy-from-waste firm Waste2Tricity.

As Nestlé chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe warned that the world’s resource base will run out of water before oil, research showed that UK consumers use five times more water than they realise, despite 81% of Brits expressing that they are conscious about their water usage, a survey has revealed  The research, carried out by bathroom manufacturer Ideal Standard, says that even with droughts and hosepipe bans in the UK, nearly one in 10 people (9%) believe that with heavy rainfall, water saving measures are not necessary. The survey shows that the average person estimated they use 29 litres of water per day but that in reality the average use is 150 litres per person per day

Virgin Atlantic is on track to reduce fuel emissions amounting to 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and save £20m a year, according to the airline’s third annual sustainability report.  The report has revealed that the company is on track to meet its target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% between 2007 and 2020.  The installation of new computer software allows Virgin Atlantic to accurately monitor fuel burn against a variety of conditions and variables. These include arrival delays, holding patterns at destination, pilot technique, flight plans and maintenance activities. More on this story at .

The UK Government has revealed its energy efficiency strategy which could save the UK the amount of energy equivalent to 22 power stations by 2020.  The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) claims that it will create a more sustainable and secure energy system, deliver cost effectively against the UK’s climate change goals and reduce energy imports.  DECC estimates that through socially cost-effective investment in energy efficiency the UK could be saving 196TWh in 2020, equivalent to 22 power stations.7

Will newly re-elected President Obama be  be more persuadable to make a strong drive on climate climate change – Teeehugger hope so – more here


By |2016-11-01T15:04:52+00:00November 16th, 2012|AGF Blog|