Closing the loop: risk or reward?

//Closing the loop: risk or reward?

Closing the loop: risk or reward?


Download’s exclusive White Paper highlighting the opportunities and challenges of a circular economy

edie white-paperThe evolutionary state of play within business and the waste management supply chain is charted in’s exclusive White Paper, sponsored by FCC Environment.

A key output of the Resource Revolution – and Local Authority Waste & Recycling (LAWR) magazine’s wider campaign exploring the emerging circular economy – this report gauges the attitudes to closing the loop amongst both waste producers and those contracted to deal with it.

Key questions explored in this exclusive research include:

  • How attitudes among waste producers are changing
  • How fast closed loop thinking is rising up the business agenda
  • What strategies are being adopted, and by whom
  • Whether closed loop recovery is superseding traditional waste management
  • Where competition for feedstock is fiercest
  • The evolving nature of business and waste supplier relationship
  • How best to leverage competitive advantage

Download the White Paper to find out how to navigate this rapidly changing landscape and capitalise on the opportunities it presents.

Download the White Paper 


You can also Watch the second in Edie’s Resource Revolution leader interview series.  ‘Retail Leader’ Mike Walters, of John Lewis Partnership talks about reshaping the waste supply chain. In the second in our FCC Environment-sponsored Resource Revolution leader video interview series, John Lewis Partnership’s recycling and waste operations manager, Mike Walters, offers a compelling retail perspective on how corporate resource efficiency is reshaping the waste supply chain.

By |2016-11-01T15:04:38+00:00March 29th, 2013|AGF Blog|