We have to keep fighting for bees

//We have to keep fighting for bees

We have to keep fighting for bees

beesHooray! A US court just ruled in favour of the bees: a Dow Chemical insecticide that is killing the bees should never have been approved.  The United States appeals court ruled that federal regulators erred in allowing an insecticide developed by Dow AgroSciences onto the market, cancelling its approval and giving environmentalists a major victory.

But the EU approved that same deadly chemical — sulfoxaflor — this summer. And to top it all off: EU legislators rubber-stamped the new insecticide using flawed data from Dow itself.

Up until now, the EU has been a trailblazer when it comes to protecting the bees – they were the first to put in place a two year ban on neonics. That’s why the EU must renew its leadership and ban ALL neonics.

SumofUs been fighting these deadly neonicotinoids for years, but in the last couple of months they say they were shocked to learn the situation was even worse than they thought: neonicotinoids aren’t just decimating bee colonies — they’re hurting birds too.

Evidence against the neurotoxins is piling up — but huge corporations like Dow Chemical and Bayer are stepping up their game as well: Just this summer Bayer’s lobbying efforts made the UK government suspend an EU-wide ban of neonics.

If we want to save the bees, we need to keep on standing up for them. Dow Chemical thought it could quietly start selling its new bee-killing insecticide in Europe — let’s prove it wrong!

Sign the petition to tell the European Commission to listen to its own scientists and ban Dow Chemical’s deadly new neonicotinoid!

SumOfUs have been right at the front of the global campaign to save our bees. They fought Bayer at a huge independent garden store show in Chicago, where the German chemical maker was out in force. Tens of thousands from the SumOfUs community took action and got Lowe’s — one of the biggest garden retailers in the world — to stop selling bee-killing insecticides.


By |2016-11-01T15:03:45+00:00October 29th, 2015|AGF Blog|